125: Why You Need a Vision for Your Marriage – with Gaby Sundra

Jan 3, 2023

Why You Need a Vision for Your Marriage – with Gaby Sundra

Having a vision for your marriage is essential if you want to go the distance. Plus, a marriage vision is a helpful tool that can keep you and your spouse on the right track. Today’s guest, Gaby Sundra has created her own playbook that helps couples create a long lasting marriage that will thrive as they create a vision for their marriage. Creating a vision is about two people coming together, discussing their desires and goals, and working together to build something beautiful. In this episode, Gaby shares tools and tips on how you can start creating a vision in your marriage today.


Ownership, Compassion & Creativity

We all know marriage takes a lot of work. The magic comes in identifying the work that is helpful to making your relationship thrive. The start of creating the vision for your marriage begins with Gaby’s acronym OCC that stands for ownership, compassion, and creativity. Each person in the relationship typically has their own healing to do in order to show up as the best partner. This is what it means to take ownership of your own “stuff.” It’s also important that you own your needs and desires. Compassion starts with you giving yourself compassion and then your partner too. Gaby said, “Express compassion for their experience.” When you are able to show your partner a little compassion, it lets them know that you are there to support them. Creativity comes into play when solving issues in the marriage. Creative thinking can be used to give some options as couples work together and through the problem.


Creating a Vision for your Marriage

Imagine if you could create a vision for your marriage. It’s SO possible to create a blueprint of what you want your marriage to look like and create that in real life. Often times we focus on what the problem is and not what we want to happen. Creating a vision is about defining what you want the marriage to look like. When you stop focusing on the story of what you don’t want and focus on the need you want met, the vision can start to come alive. Creating a vision for your marriage is all about getting super clear on what you both desire as a couple, writing it down, and speaking it into existence. It takes work from each partner to fully embody the vision that you see for your marriage.

Human Needs in a Relationship

What are your needs in your relationship? Marshall Rosenberg says there are seven basic needs; Connection, Physical Well-Being, Honesty, Play, Peace, Autonomy, Meaning. Gaby said, “All conflict is, is us struggling to get our needs met. If we can get away from the story and move into the need we want to have met, that is the essence that’s trying to work through the conflict.” Rather than expecting your partner to be a mind reader knowing what your needs are, tell them your needs! When we can communicate what we want, how we want it, and what we desire, it can help create that vision in your marriage. 


A Marriage Vision that Honor your Desires

Your desires mean something good about you. When you can communicate what you desire in your marriage, this will help get clear on your vision for marriage. Gaby said, “The word I hear most often when couples share their visions is, ‘relief.’” This relief is created because couples can actually get on the same page of where they want their marriage to go. Honoring your desires is an act of self love and an act of love in the marriage. Two people can come together and build something so beautiful and sacred when they get clear on each of their desires, create a vision for your marriage and grow. 


Links Mentioned in this Episode

Gaby’s Free Playbook

Gaby Sundra’s Website




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